Meet Charles Clark, Youth Motivational Speaker
“We were so blown away by the way Charles engaged our students today…Charles encouraged them to see past these current struggles and embrace who they are and what they want their lives to be like.”
-Recent Educational Client
Charles Clark is a top youth motivational speaker who has engaged students from school districts all over the United States. Charles has found success in encouraging youth from across the U.S., but he didn’t get to where he is today without trial and tribulation.
Before Charles was a youth motivational speaker, he was a struggling student-athlete in high school.
He found it challenging to make passing grades while trying to keep up with extracurriculars. He dealt with bullying at school and feelings of self doubt from his poor academics. All of these variables gave him an overall lack of confidence.
Although he was excelling at track and field, he faced the fear that he wouldn’t make it into college with his poor grades.
With hard work and improvement of his time management, productivity, and mental health, he finally got his academics on track. This boost of confidence got his mind in the right state to be able to excel in the classroom and in his collegiate sport.
Charles knows a thing or two about the common challenges that our youth face in middle and high school.
These challenges include bullying, lack of self confidence and life direction, low motivation and mental health challenges. He’s created custom speeches to talk to students, right where they’re at, and give them the tools to break down barriers in their lives to become the best versions of themselves.
Who He Impacts: Middle and High School Students; Student-Athletes
Charles Clark was in your students’ shoes not too long ago. He faced the challenges that every single one of our youth faces today. Charles received bad grades while lacking the tools he needed to work toward the big ambitions he had for himself. He needed direction and step-by-step guidance for breaking down the barriers. He needed the right motivation to encourage him to become a better student and athlete.
Charles figured out the method of overcoming the challenges students face. He wants to share them with your students today. In his sessions, Charles shares easy-to-apply mindset and life shifts in a relatable way. His methods actually work in inspiring your youth to build confidence and become better human beings in the classroom and beyond.
Who He Impacts: Teachers and School Faculty
Not only does Charles share these solid applications with your students, he talks directly to your teachers and faculty, giving them the tools they need to further encourage their students in the right direction.
Sample Topics for Students and Teachers:
- Embracing Fear to Become Bold
- How to Hack Your Productivity
- Use Adversity to Make You Stronger

“Charles Clark was engaging, motivating and informative. The students listened, asked questions and left with information relevant to their lives.”
-Patty R.