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Create an Epic Event With These 8 Tips

Have you ever attended an event that was just plain boring? You know what I mean…no passion, no memorable pieces, no transformation? People are sitting in boring events right now, all over the world, as you are reading this article. And it doesn’t have to be that way! It is never the goal to plan a lackluster event, but without some key elements, it becomes the result. There are so many small details you can consider to ensure your event goes from everyday to absolutely epic. Now, let’s create an epic event with these 8 tips!

1. Create an Epic Event Music Playlist

Your event needs energy and naturally, music brings energy.  Imagine going to a highly anticipated movie and not one time in the whole movie was there any background music – no suspenseful tunes that make you lean in, no romantic notes at the warm embrace…you get where I am going. If a movie has no soundtrack, then it lacks the ability to be epic. Viewers are bound to feel like something is missing. It is all about creating an enveloping experience that makes it all worth it, draws people in, keeps their attention and makes them excited. Music brings out people’s emotions, so start the event with music that fits your desired energy. 

2. Give Away Free Resources and Gifts To Your Attendees

At the end of the day, people just want to feel valued. Giveaways are a reliable way to do that. Make the giveaway or gift something useful and meaningful. Last week, I went to Philadelphia to do a speech and they gave all of the attendees a beautiful whiskey glass imprinted with a map of their local Philadelphia area and coordinates of their company. Wrapped in a beautiful package, it showed intention, thoughtfulness and value. Think about what your attendees would want to physically walk away with and leave some room in your budget to consider it. For extra points, make it relate directly to the theme of your epic event.

3. Create a Schedule for Your Epic Event and Be Timely 

Create a timed schedule and stick to it. It is so important to come into your event organized and structured, as this will allow you to limit any unforeseen obstacles. Epic events need detailed planning. The worst thing you can do is allow your attendees to feel like this is not worth their time, money or attention. Start on time, have a countdown for the speaker and always know what is coming next. Most motivational speakers perform at either the intro of the event or they speak at the closing. Consider what matters more for you, as their timing leaves a different impact.

If a speaker does the intro, they set the tone for the remainder of your event. And when they close the event, it leaves attendees with something valuable to immediately go home with. When you book with me, during our pre-event call I go over what you think would make your event the most epic!

4. Prepare a Seating Layout 

Seating matters because it plays into the overall experience of your attendees. This is often decided based on the type of event that is being held – a conference, seminar, launch, assembly, etc. What will accommodate the event space and make people physically comfortable? The heart of seating is to make sure everyone feels connected to the speaker and one another in a way that also provides them with their own space. This is a simple and thoughtful way to create an epic event. Are there people that you would want to sit in the front of the room? Do you want everyone at round tables or rowed seating? Think about various seating styles and decide what will make your event different from the everyday. 

5. Use Good Lighting

Good lighting has the ability to completely alter someone’s experience. Set an ambiance for your attendees. How do you want them to experience the event? Sometimes I go to events and they have a performance style, where the auditorium is dark with bright lights hitting the stage. There are times when the entire room is lit with fluorescent ceiling lighting…consider what vibe you would like for your event and run with it. Make it as professional, celebratory, moody, or engaged as you want it to be visually. 

6. Create Quality Control Measures

Having an epic event means paying attention to the details. Quality control measures aren’t always front of mind, but they are game-changing. Putting these measures in place will guarantee you an enhanced experience from start to finish. Have someone manning the doors to greet everyone that comes in with a smile, make sure you have an energized MC on the mic to start the event, consider some security to make people feel safe, plan for a designated and organized check-in location, have helpers in the lobby directing your attendees where to go and the list goes on…all of these things will bring a higher quality to the overall event.

They seem small and are almost go unnoticed by the attendee, but they play a pivotal role in the total feel and flow. And remember, the moment someone walks through the door is the moment the event should come to life. This is a surefire way to create an epic event.

7. Prepare an Email Sequence

Build up the HYPE! Plan an email sequence about a month out and send weekly thoughtful emails about the upcoming event. Make these emails engaging and fun, with the intention of building up the speaker’s credibility and overall excitement for the experience. This will allow your attendees to walk into the event with expectations and feel like they are already connected to the event and the person on stage. Sending emails is a great way to provide details, give insight, and grow buzz!

8. Sell the Speakers Merchandise

Selling the speaker’s merchandise at the event is an incredible way to build connectivity, relational equity, and impact longevity. You hired the speaker for a reason because their message was something you wanted attendees to hear. Why not enhance the experience by giving them the opportunity to take something epic home with them?

I sell me Thrive Planners, Recap Journals, quoted t-shirts, and Thrive the Week Notepads – all the items directly tie into the habit-building process, the mindset routines, and the thriving lifestyle I speak about on stage. I also provide bundles for many of my engagements. Offering attendees something tangible to purchase means a lot to both them and the speaker. Check out some of my merchandise here.

You have the ability to create an epic event with the 8 tips provided above. Now, get to planning!


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